Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What I Do Know About "Animal Rights"

Apparently, my previous post of sponsoring a vegetarian offended a female friend of mine. Maybe offended isn't the right word, annoyed would probably be more accurate. She went on to explain how I didn't know enough about the subject and stated "You are just very closed minded, you don't know all the facts and figures" Really? I assure you that is an assumption that has no merit whatsoever, and to prove it here is what I do know about Animal Rights activist and what they have done to "help" the precious animals they love so much.....

In the past 20 years animal rights groups have...

* released thousands of mink from a fur farm that have gone on to decimate British wildlife
* performed countless acts of vandalism and terrorism against people working in animal-related fields, particularly those involved in extremely important medical research
* laid false scent for fox-hounds leading them on to railway tracks and resulting in several of their deaths
* sprayed pepper spray in the eyes of fox-hounds and hunt horses
* cut the tendons of hunt horses causing several to have to be destroyed
* accused people of child abuse for feeding their children meat and milk - when in fact it is child abuse NOT to feed them these things as they are absolutely imperative for growing children
* preyed on the sick by suggesting wholly unfounded links between eating animal products and cancers.
* got fox hunting banned resulting in a massive increase in the number of foxes being shot which will eventually wipe them out all together, not to mention the thousands of livelihoods that are now threatened.
* chained themselves to railings at rodeos in the United States, not because rodeos hurt animals (they don’t) but purely because they believe we should not be involved with animals in any way.
* PETA alone have destroyed millions of dogs given to them by well meaning members of the public for re-homing, there have actually been prosecutions for animal cruelty against senior members of PETA when dogs were found dumped in a bin having been beaten to death
* released dogs at a number of dog shows resulting in several being injured in fights and killed on the roads.
* opened gates at several equestrian institutions and let out all the horses resulting in several being killed and injured on the roads.
* several animal rights groups, such as ALF, are recognized as terrorist organizations and a threat to national security and several more, including PETA and the HSUS are under investigation for possible links with terrorist groups including giving money to known terrorist groups.

But the biggest way they cause harm is in the wholly false information they give out. There is barely a single true word on any animal rights website, in any animal rights leaflet and their followers are brain washed into believing these outright lies are the truth.

This Picture, for example, of some sheep gathered into a holding yard and on the website the caption says that this is how sheep live all the time. They totally fail to mention the green field that is actually IN the picture into which the sheep will no doubt be turned once they have been wormed/dipped/sheared etc.

They also take isolated incidents of documented cruelty cases and use those pictures and say they are how all institutions within that industry - be it farming, horse riding, slaughter plants etc, are run and that this cruelty is normal. The slaughter videos on PETA's website for example fall into four categories - 1) filmed in Mexico where there is a very poor animal welfare record 2) over 30 years old before all the current regulations were brought in 3) completely fabricated, set up by PETA members and all acts within those videos performed by them including building the stage and the ensuing animal cruelty or 4) taken from the very few documented cruelty cases recorded in slaughter plants since the current regulations were brought in. Their information is almost wholly false and not a word they say should be believed by anyone. If any article from any animal rights website was presented to a member of the veterinary profession it could easily be pulled apart and proven to be completely untrue in a matter of minutes.

Not a single penny of the money raised by animal rights groups goes to actually helping animals, they don’t run proper shelters, they don’t help clean up birds after oil spills, they don’t provide vet care for poor owners, they don’t inspect facilities when suspected cruelty is reported, they don’t run schemes for neutering pets to avoid over population problems, they don’t have programs to aid the conservation of endangered wildlife,
ALL they do is political activism and in many cases terrorism. This is supremely unhelpful to the cause of animal welfare.

I could go on and on but this hopefully illustrates that, I do know the facts and I do what the figures are. Do not just assume because I post some tirade about vegetarianism that I do not know anything about animal rights or the people involved. Animal welfare is a very important issue that all people with a conscience should be concerned about - but animal RIGHTS is a joke. Unfortunately not a very funny one for the countless people whose livelihoods and even lives are threatened and the animals who's welfare and in some cases very existence is in jeopardy as a result of Animal Rights activist actions.

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