Thursday, September 17, 2009

Things I Have Said At Least Once This Week

  • Do NOT put that in your mouth.
  • Don’t stand on the table.
  • Stop yelling.
  • See how daddy's pee-pee goes in the toilet.
  • That’s not nice.
  • No matter how long you cry, you’ll still have to take a nap.
  • You don't want a cracker?? But that’s what you just asked me for.
  • Do you have poop pants?
  • Why did you put that in there?
  • Hahaha. Ok, really, don’t honk Mommy’s boobies. Hahahahahaha.
  • Seriously, you really did just ask me for this exact thing, why are screaming no when I try to give you what you wanted?
  • That is NOT edible.
  • I have no idea what you’re talking about. Repeating doesn’t help.
  • If you stand on that again I'm taking it away from you.
  • No, we are not going in the car. We just got out of it.
  • No, Daddy doesn’t doesn't like it when you stick your fingers in his ears
  • Why are you being so loud?
  • Get your fingers out of your mouth.
  • Why did you spit that out?
  • Do you want a knuckle sandwich??
  • No, No only daddy flushes the toilet.
  • Yes, you have to clean the food off of your saving it for later.
  • Please do not lick your hands...God only knows where they have been.
  • No, son that's not a toy, that is a tampon. Give it back to Mommy, please.
  • Do not try to drink your entire cup of milk in one loooong sip please...
  • Don’t hit people in the head!
  • What is that smell? Is that you??
  • I have no idea what you’re trying to say. I’m as frustrated as you are, REALLY.
  • Yes buddy that is Kroger....(The 5th one we've passed now)
  • Son believe it or not....Some people don’t like it when you yell at them.
  • Say you’re sorry. You need to say, “Sorry for throwing my car at you, Mommy.”
  • Cry all you want I'm still not going to let you eat your crayons.
  • You are not supposed to ride on that.
  • It’s really not nice to smear your cereal bar and crackers on the mirror.
  • That ball will not come out from under the sofa no matter how loudly you scream at it.
  • I refuse to speak to you until you stop crying and screaming.
  • HEY!! SIT IN YOUR BIG BOY CHAIR NOW!! YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THAT...(Followed by a list of everything he's done wrong all day)
  • NO SIR!! SIT BACK DOWN!! (As he smiles and runs away)
  • I think you I've said NO for the 239,785,349,823rd time. Please Stop it or I will spank you.
  • How many times did daddy say stop it, before he spanked you.
  • I know you like it when I pass the ther cars buddy but daddy can't pass every car on the interstate.
  • Stop smacking mommy, She's trying to sleep.
  • No this is daddy's you have your food. (Cue excessive dramatic hyperventalating crying and a couple tears forced out)

Posted via web from Nicholas's posterous

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

All This Kid Wanted to Do Was Sit Down...

Let me just say this sickens me to watch people cheer a kid get mobbed and beat down...If I had a son and I saw him on the bus and he did not help this kid, I would probably beat his ass at home. Where was the bus driver? Why didn't anyone stop it? Where is Reverend Al and the ACLU? These double standards in America are killing me!

Posted via web from Nicholas's posterous