Who's Your Daddy?
Well it's official my wife is pregnant. As of today she is 5 weeks and 2 days along, I guess is the correct terminology. After a year of "trying", some decent sized medical bills from testing, and alot of praying it finally happened. I say "trying" simply because the very first time we went the hole nine using an ovulation predictor kit, which nailed down the perfect time to get busy, we got pregnant. It makes all the money spent for medical bills, because we all know Insurance companies do not cover anything that is or could be related to infertility, seem like a waste. However, I also feel like we both needed to go through that to truly appreciate the bundle of joy we now have.
I never thought I could worry about something so much before in my life. Ever since the positive pregnancy test it's been sleepless nights, phone calls every morning making sure she's ok, asking if she's craving something particular I could get her, just on and on. It's not worrying about being a father, no-no that part is fine. I have waited to be a father for quite awhile. It's the worry of your baby's health and well being. The worry of making it past the first trimester, or at least to the first ultrasound that you can hear the heart-beat. You know then that odds are on your side that everything else is going to be alright. It's the worry of something which you have absolutely no control. I equate to being on a plane that is a downward spiral you know your going to crash and die and there's nothing you can do, now multiply that by 50. Ok, maybe not that bad but I do worry about it.
Everyone ask me "Are you excited?" As if I would say "No not really...." Sometimes I just want to stare at them with a blank look until they realize that the question was stupid at best. Not that I want to be an ass or anything but after the 50th person asks you the same stupid question it's annoying. The other good one I get is; "What are you going to name it?" This one is stupid for 2 reasons. One my wife is only 5 weeks pregnant, which means we have only known a few days. Do you really thing the first thing we thought was "Oh honey we'll name him Theodore, or We'll name her Abigail"? Our first thought was "I'll meet you at the doctor's office Monday morning." Secondly, as referenced above, we have no clue of the sex. Sure we could settle on a name for a boy and a name for a girl, but lets face it, it's hard enough to come up with one name for one sex let alone two. So no we don't have names picked out.
So now comes the doctor's visits, the baby shower, the birthing classes and all that good stuff. We will have to register for gifts for a baby shower later on. I always hate that whole process. The whole tradition of picking out shit for other people to buy you. Most people would be ok with spending other people's money, but not me. I guess I just imagine the people going down the list trying to find the cheapest gift only to find that the cheapest one left is like $150. "Shit honey I told you we shouldn't have waited, we could have got them the Sailboat lamp but no now the only thing left is this $150 Diaper Genie!" Which usually means they go out on their own and get something you didn't ask for anyway. Which ultimately means you could have skipped the whole picking out shit you wanted step to begin with. They play the I know you didn't ask for it game......"Now I didn't see this on your list but I saw it and knew you just had to have it.....So I hope you like it!" Those words are almost a guarantee it was some piece of shit that was in the bargain bin at Baby Depot or a K-Mart that was closing the doors because of drive by's in the area.
The first ultra-sound is in 2 weeks. We get to hear the heart-beat and determine if we have twins. Good thing the room is dark I know I'll probably cry. It's my first child so you all can kiss my ass. Nothing wrong with crying for a good reason. I try to be all male chauvinistic but deep down I'm a pussy when it comes to that type of stuff. It's weird shit too like I didn't cry that much when my father passed but I cried like a baby watching "The Green Mile". I cried at my wedding too. Whatever I'm a pussy deal with it.
So I guess I'll have plenty to write about in the coming months. It's about damn time...shit you people have no idea how hard it is to try to write something; even as little as once a week. I could always do the easy thing and bash Britney, or the Falcons, or make fun of Kanye West and 50 Cent, but that takes no thought or creativity. Anyone could bash those no-talent ass clowns. So congratulations to me and my wife I hope you all stay tuned for the craziness that ensues as I go through the stages of pregnancy with her. It should be fun, check you guys later....I'm Out!
I never thought I could worry about something so much before in my life. Ever since the positive pregnancy test it's been sleepless nights, phone calls every morning making sure she's ok, asking if she's craving something particular I could get her, just on and on. It's not worrying about being a father, no-no that part is fine. I have waited to be a father for quite awhile. It's the worry of your baby's health and well being. The worry of making it past the first trimester, or at least to the first ultrasound that you can hear the heart-beat. You know then that odds are on your side that everything else is going to be alright. It's the worry of something which you have absolutely no control. I equate to being on a plane that is a downward spiral you know your going to crash and die and there's nothing you can do, now multiply that by 50. Ok, maybe not that bad but I do worry about it.
Everyone ask me "Are you excited?" As if I would say "No not really...." Sometimes I just want to stare at them with a blank look until they realize that the question was stupid at best. Not that I want to be an ass or anything but after the 50th person asks you the same stupid question it's annoying. The other good one I get is; "What are you going to name it?" This one is stupid for 2 reasons. One my wife is only 5 weeks pregnant, which means we have only known a few days. Do you really thing the first thing we thought was "Oh honey we'll name him Theodore, or We'll name her Abigail"? Our first thought was "I'll meet you at the doctor's office Monday morning." Secondly, as referenced above, we have no clue of the sex. Sure we could settle on a name for a boy and a name for a girl, but lets face it, it's hard enough to come up with one name for one sex let alone two. So no we don't have names picked out.
So now comes the doctor's visits, the baby shower, the birthing classes and all that good stuff. We will have to register for gifts for a baby shower later on. I always hate that whole process. The whole tradition of picking out shit for other people to buy you. Most people would be ok with spending other people's money, but not me. I guess I just imagine the people going down the list trying to find the cheapest gift only to find that the cheapest one left is like $150. "Shit honey I told you we shouldn't have waited, we could have got them the Sailboat lamp but no now the only thing left is this $150 Diaper Genie!" Which usually means they go out on their own and get something you didn't ask for anyway. Which ultimately means you could have skipped the whole picking out shit you wanted step to begin with. They play the I know you didn't ask for it game......"Now I didn't see this on your list but I saw it and knew you just had to have it.....So I hope you like it!" Those words are almost a guarantee it was some piece of shit that was in the bargain bin at Baby Depot or a K-Mart that was closing the doors because of drive by's in the area.
The first ultra-sound is in 2 weeks. We get to hear the heart-beat and determine if we have twins. Good thing the room is dark I know I'll probably cry. It's my first child so you all can kiss my ass. Nothing wrong with crying for a good reason. I try to be all male chauvinistic but deep down I'm a pussy when it comes to that type of stuff. It's weird shit too like I didn't cry that much when my father passed but I cried like a baby watching "The Green Mile". I cried at my wedding too. Whatever I'm a pussy deal with it.
So I guess I'll have plenty to write about in the coming months. It's about damn time...shit you people have no idea how hard it is to try to write something; even as little as once a week. I could always do the easy thing and bash Britney, or the Falcons, or make fun of Kanye West and 50 Cent, but that takes no thought or creativity. Anyone could bash those no-talent ass clowns. So congratulations to me and my wife I hope you all stay tuned for the craziness that ensues as I go through the stages of pregnancy with her. It should be fun, check you guys later....I'm Out!