Friday, November 03, 2006

Today has just been one of those days where everything is the straw breaking the camels back and nothing seems to go as planned.  Here is a rundown of things that went wrong today, starting with the first and ending with the last.....

1.The new case I ordered for my laptop was wayyyy to small.
2. I had to pay for my brother-in-laws lunch at Ruby Tuesday's because he had no money.
3. Instead of leaving early, like I do every Friday, I had to work late to finish a project that I despise working on.
4. Borat was sold out at the movie theatre after months of waiting.

Last but not least number 5. My wife nor my brother could choose a restaurant to eat at so I choose one for all of us, which I hate to do by the way.  So we get our table sit own and my brother says he doesn't really feel like Mexican food.  So let me get this straight.......5 minutes ago you could not give two drops of monkey piss about where we were eating, but now you care enough to know that you don't feel like Mexican food???  So I get up put on my jacket and kindly leave they slowly follow behind me.  I get in the car and say "Since no one can decide where we are going......we're going to the damn house!!"  That was all that was said the entire trip back home.  So you see my day went great, I'm just thankful I was alive for one more.

It's late need sleepy......

Knuckle it!! I'm Out!

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